Thursday, December 15, 2011

Festive Fever....

Finally finished my end of semester exams which meant I finally had time to help decorating my house.. It really means it Christmas once the decorations come out! I looove decorating the tree, hanging up fairy lights and lighting scented candles (Yankee cinamon stick is my fave ;) ) 

Here are some cute ideas I found that i most definately will be using :)

Love this home made countdown to christmas!

Hope you all enjoy Christmas deco as much as i do :)

Merry Christmas 


Sunday, December 4, 2011

Stocking Fillers...

I am SO in the Christmassy spirit right now and constantly dreaming up the perfect gifts for my friends and family, i just love love love this time of year!!! One of my favourite things to give and get are the cute and silly little presents. Sure, everyone adores that big gift you receive from that someone special but i love the silly little presents that you laugh at, or the cute gifts you keep forever or even the surprisingly useful ones. Right now there is such a great selection of these stocking fillers from River Island..
Here are my faves:

How cute are these pjs, perfect for us girls who want to look fab even when we're sleeping...


 I adore this onesie! Imagine jumping into this after pigging out on your xmas dinner, ideal! :) It looks really similar to pjs that Kim Kardashain has... 

If it's good enough for Kimmy eh!?

This mirrored mug is a perfect silly gift for any girl!

Another silly gift, but so funny for any single gals!

For the techno lovers...

Who doesn't want the cutest hot water bottle on the block ;)

And for the bookworms.. who doesnt love an easy read :)

Loove this selection of eyeshadows, NYX is a really good American brand, the colours here are perfect for the holiday season and this pallette is so affordable at 14 pounds!!

These are only some of the great stocking fillers available at RI, i know where I'll be doing my  frantic last minute Christmas shop!!

Happy Shopping :)